ION7400 Utility Feeder Meter
Project Details
The PowerLogic ION7400 utility feeder meter is a highly accurate, extremely reliable power and energy meter with unmatched flexibility and usability. The meter combines accurate 3-phase energy and power measurements with data logging, power quality analysis, alarming and I/O capabilities not typically available in such a compact meter.
The panel or DIN mounted ION7400 meter is flexible enough to fit into a utility’s existing billing or SCADA system, providing industry leading cost management (Class 0.2) and network management (Class S PQ) data. It is compliant with stringent international standards that guarantee their metering accuracy and power quality measurements. Ideal for installations that are responsible for maintaining the operation and profitability of a facility.

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Arlisco Group
Arlisco Elektrika Perkasa was established on September 17, 2015, by Tikno Sunjoto Handoko. Which producing more advanced and sophisticated Medium Voltage electrical materials such as SF6 and Air Insulated Switchgears, Pole Mounted Reclosers, Pole Mounted SF6 Load Break Switches, Pole Mounted Fault Interrupter and Cable Accessories. Arlisco Elektrika Perkasa, is a growing manufacturing company which now have their own R&D Team with intention to expand in manufacturing other electrical equipments, mostly on the medium voltage side.
Address List
- Kawasan Pergudangan dan Industri Blessindo Jl. Raya H. Tabri No. 228 Bojong Kamal, Cirarab, Legok, Tangerang, Banten
- +62 21 5592351-7